Team Responsibilities
1. Vetting Investment Proposals
It is vital that all investments are checked and vetted before they are submitted to the DAO. The team is responsible for validating the authenticity and reliability of proposals, as well as ensuring they meet the required criteria for proposals. The team is also responsible for ensuring all proposals meet legal and regulatory requirements.
2. Disclosure agreements
Some investments may require for some information and documentation to stay hidden until after an investment is agreed. The team is responsible for ensuring the correct information and an accurate representation of the investment is relayed to the DAO.
3. Operations
There are many operational tasks that need to be completed via a dedicated team. These can vary from development, security related tasks and others.
4. Moderation
Moderation is a necessary task to protect all those involved with the project. Moderators will eventually be elected via the community elections. The DAO can vote whether moderators are paid and the team will be responsible for carrying these out.
5. Legal and regulations
A major responsibility of the team is to ensure that approved investments are assigned to the Legal and Regulatory teams to ensure contracts are legally binding and solid, and that the investment meets the requirements of the relevant jurisdictions.
6. Payments and investments
A major responsibility of the team is to ensure investments are paid directly to the investment and to submit proof of payment to the DAO.
7. NFTs
The team creates NFTs which includes the contract and investment details.
Last updated